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City of Antioch

City of Antioch

One of the most basic principles of democracy is majority rule, but guess what? Antioch does not have majority rule! 

Join City of Antioch volunteers and supporters of ranked choice voting and help bring RCV to our local elections

Single-choice voting is breaking our country, our state, and our cities. It incentivizes negative campaigning that further divides us, reduces representation with low-turnout primaries and runoffs, and costs taxpayers millions in unnecessary election costs. 

Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is a simple but powerful improvement. RCV lets you rank candidates 1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on instead of being forced to choose just one. If your first choice can’t win, your vote automatically transfers to your second choice.

Let's work together to bring RCV to our local elections in the City of Antioch for various city and county elections!


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Meet Us & Get Involved

Join an upcoming Zoom to learn more about RCV and how you can get involved
(it's easy!).

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